UniMac’s laundry machines are designed to reduce costs for nursing home laundry and meet government compliance with nursing home sanitation standards.


We understand that providing world-class care is your top priority. But as a business, keeping operating costs minimal and staying compliant with government sanitation guidelines are also critical. UniMac® equipment is purpose-built to meet all of those needs. Our washer extractors and tumble dryers significantly reduce costs associated with labor, utilities and linen loss to deliver the industry’s absolute lowest cost of ownership while allowing you to quickly attend to all your residents’ laundry needs.

  • UniMac OPL laundry equipment for long-term care installations
  • UniMac OPL laundry equipment for long-term care industry
  • UniMac OPL laundry equipment for healthcare industry

Designed To Meet Your Needs

Commercial Laundry Equipment Featuring Revolutionary Technology

OPTispray Rinsing Technology, 400 G-Force extraction and OPTidry Over-dry Protection Technology deliver fast cycle times for reduced utilities and operating hours.

Reduced Costs for Nursing Home On-Premises Laundries

Industry-leading drying times extend linen life and reduce labor by up to an hour per day.

Government Compliance With Nursing Home Sanitation Standards

UniMac washer extractors document each cycle and highest water temperature with date and time stamps to keep you compliant with government standards.

Performance Monitoring

Advanced monitoring software ensures that proper nursing home OPL procedures are being followed at all times.

Industrial Strength Commercial Laundry Equipment

Unmatched durability means that your equipment is always ready when you need it, reducing labor costs associated with downtime in your nursing home OPL.

ECO Cycles

Nine unique wash programs, part of UniLinc’s industry-leading 48 total cycle options, further reduce water usage.