A firehose washer-extractor? Yup.

It’s no secret that UniMac machines are built to last. That’s one of the reasons why so many consumers choose UniMac for their laundry needs. With that in mind, we created the UniMac Longevity Contest and began our search for the oldest machines out there that are still in use. Here’s a story from a firehouse that uses a UniMac machine to wash fire gear, as well as linens and even the fire hose.
Originally purchased in 2000, the UniMac washer has been heavily used at the Holmes Fire District #1 in Millersburg, Ohio. The machine’s versatility really speaks for itself when considering what types of items are washed regularly: firefighter PPE (heavy pants and jackets), linens from around the firehouse, and, most impressively, heavy fire hose for the last 15 years.
“No washer should be able to withstand the constant force and abuse this washer has, however, it keeps washing everything we throw at it without a spec of dirt left behind,” Lt. Chris Markley said.
Staff is impressed with how the washer has withstood the test of time and selected a new UniMac machine to stand side-by-side with the 2000-vintage washer-extractor. With NFPA 1851 placing a priority on gear cleaning, these UniMac washer-extractors are on the front lines of helping protect Holmes Fire District #1 firefighters from dangerous carcinogens.
Curious about the winner of the contest? We’ve got the story here with details and you can check our video below.