UniMac tumblers deliver more than just dry cycles

Our customers don’t just “buy” UniMac tumblers; they invest in them. Like any investment, it must pay dividends. UniMac has poured significant research and development resources into engineering tumbler products that deliver exceptional return on investment. Oh, and we test them to ensure that ROI is based in real numbers.
So, let’s look at the 75-pound capacity tumble dryer and what it can bring to your operations.
· Balance. We’ve engineered our tumble dryers to achieve the perfect balance between drying temperature, airflow pattern, and usable cylinder space. This balance is key to delivering a fast and highly efficient drying cycle.· Over-drying problem, solved. For decades, on-premises laundries battled a problem most didn’t even know they had – over-drying. Drying a load after it has already reached the optimum dryness level costs your operation in wasted efficiency, labor, and utility consumption, in addition to wearing out linens prematurely. UniMac’s OPTidry feature dries loads to a set moisture level and then begins the cool down step. The results: maximum throughput, lower utilities, maximum labor productivity, and longer linen life.
· Lint problem, solved. Lint in a busy on-premises laundry environment is more than just a nuisance. Lint can cause major, and expensive, problems for HVAC units, electronics, and anywhere it collects. In addition, it’s a major maintenance issue, with staff devoting much time to cleaning lint screens. Our ground-breaking ProCapture feature, leveraging cyclone technology, all but eliminates those issues by collecting 98 percent* of dryer-generated lint.· The right cycle every time. With UniLinc Touch, there’s no ambiguity on cycles. Real word descriptions/cycle names ensure the correct cycle is deployed every time. Plus, multiple language options mean all staff can operate the tumble dryers. The end results are reduced training time and the perfect finished quality every time, which means extended life for your linen investment.
* Results derived from internal lab testing environment produced 97.84% lint capture efficiency with bath towel loads dried at 185 degrees Fahrenheit. No independent lab testing was conducted. These results represent findings from controlled laboratory conditions and may not accurately simulate real-world usage of the product as effectiveness can vary widely depending on factors such as method of use, load type, environment, individual user characteristics, and other circumstances.