Is your property ready for a better bed?

A recent article on the Lodging Magazine website discussed the trend of hoteliers opting for higher quality bedding in terms of mattresses and pillows to increase guest comfort and, ultimately satisfaction. Of the amenities a property can add, investing in all the elements of a good night’s sleep makes sense.
Featuring the bed is trendy again and that means sealing the deal with high-quality linens. Consider it them the frame to the art that is a great mattress and pillows. However, investing in fine bed linens must come with a review of the laundry room procedures and equipment.
- Capacity. Upgraded bedding often means additional linen pieces and higher thread counts. Both will place increased demands on the laundry operation. Ensure your laundry room is prepared for higher per-room weights. Managing the loads may require higher capacity machines.
- G-Force. Higher thread count cotton linens hold more residual moisture than cotton-poly blends. Laundries operating with anything less than 300+ G-Force extraction speeds will be saddled with longer dry times for the new sheets. It is much more cost effective to remove moisture in the washer with high-speed extraction than on the dry side. So, before upgrading linens, make sure to upgrade washer-extractors.
- Protect the investment. Choosing to go with a new linen package is a significant investment. Thus, you want to make sure to get the most out of that investment. Over-drying linens, that is continuing to dry a load after it has already reached the optimum moisture level, is one of the quickest ways to degrade linens of any type and reduce their useful life. Rely on technology such as UniMac’s OPTidry to maximize your investment.
- A perfect finish. Your property has done everything to feature the bed – the best mattress, amazing pillows, high-thread-count all-cotton sheets – make sure you don’t ruin the reveal to guests with wrinkled linens or poor presentation. If your laundry doesn’t have an ironer, it may be time to add one. Many offer front feed and return to minimize the space required. Best of all, they can also save time, as many items spun at high G-Force in the washer can go directly to finishing, or only require minimal conditioning in the tumble dryer. Finally, double check that housekeeping staff is well trained in any new processes for making up the beds to ensure guests note the extra attention to detail contributing to an excellent night’s sleep.
There’s no minimizing the impact a great bed and linens have on the guest experience. The key is ensuring all the foundational pieces are in place to deliver a great appearance. To read the full Lodging Magazine article on providing a better bed, click here